Pane e Vino is a Restaurant located in Milan. The registered address of the entity is Carrobbio, 4, 20123 Milano MI. Further in detail information is provided in the corresponding sections along with the frequently asked questions. You can also read the customer reviews about Pane e Vino as well as sharing your own experience. Every opinion is valuable, giving more insight on the company and other businesses in Milan.


What is Pane e Vino?

It is a Ristorante company located in Milan

What's the official website of Pane e Vino?

What's the phone number for Pane e Vino?


What facilities does Pane e Vino offer?

Tavoli all'aperto, Da asporto, Consumazione sul posto, Ottimi cocktail, Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle, Alcolici, Birra, Caffè, Cibo per l'happy hour, Cibo sano, Cocktail, Drink per l'happy hour, Pasti fino a tarda sera, Piatti vegetariani, Superalcolici, Vino, Pranzo, Cena, Dessert, Adatto ai bambini, Bar, Seggioloni per bambini, Toilette, Accogliente, Informale, Romantico, Gruppi, Accetta prenotazioni, Carte di debito


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